Uploaded and Unfiltered: Conversations about Personal Growth, Mindsets, and Advice with BIPOC Creators for Creators

Gaming, Music, and Culture: A Conversation with DJ Killzown Jones

Jermaine Pulliam Season 1 Episode 86

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Step into the intriguing world of DJ Killzown Jones, a multifaceted content creator, DJ, and gamer. In this episode, we unravel his journey from childhood experiences with Sega games to becoming an influential voice in the gaming community. With a captivating blend of motivation and authenticity, DJ Killzown shares his rise in the content creation landscape, where his passion for gaming and music intersect. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome. Welcome back to another episode of Uploaded and Unfiltered, the podcast in which I, your host Jermaine, interviews another content creator. In regards to the journey thus far, as always, this week I have a special guest and before I get him on the line, I'm going to give us a little bit of information, little backstory, on dj killzone jones, and then we'll get him on this podcast for an awesome conversation. All right, I'm gonna try to one button. Read this dj killzone jones.

Speaker 1:

Jones is a gamer, content creator, dj and artist from st louis, missouri. He's garnered over 2 million views across his social media channels, covering everything from breaking news on Mortal Kombat 11 to legendary interviews with icons like Jason David Frank, aka Tommy, the Green Ranger from Mighty, morphin, power Rangers, murphy Lee and Kiwan of the St Lunatics. He's reported for major events such as PAX East, c2e2 and and MoGameCon. For over 10 years, killzone has provided unbiased, comprehensive coverage of video games, music, movies and pop culture, and he shows no sign of slowing down. The single HMU, aka Hit Em Up, is also available on all digital music platforms, and with that, I'd like to introduce my guest for the evening, dj Kill Joan Jones. Welcome to the podcast. How are you doing today, man. First of all, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Crip for having me on. I'm doing good man, just you know, dealing with just the winter, the weather in. St Louis, you know what? I'm saying and you know I was telling you off air about, you know, the car accident and everything. So I'm grateful to be alive and all of this stuff is.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm getting ready to get back on road and then just gearing up for all of the games and stuff like that. Like I really got a point to prove that I'm working on and a lot of goals that I'm trying to crush for this year, so Lord willing we could get that done, but I'm doing pretty good. How you doing man.

Speaker 1:

Man, I'm doing excellent. Like I said earlier, I woke up to the power being off and like it didn't register that the power was off, I was just like, oh, that's weird, and I'm glad it was that, because I didn't want to wake up freaking out like all nervous. I just woke up and eventually came back, so I can't complain. We got heat again. We're going to start from the top, because every guest that I've had on something about their content hooked me in, and with you you have a ton of TikToks about like old content, like games that I haven't played in years. You had a stack of all, stack of all your dead or alive games. All right, man, here we are. Let me go ahead and ask you how did you get started in content creation? What is your origin story?

Speaker 2:

so it started when I was a kid right, and it started with this right here. Is that a sega? Yes, this is for the Sega Mini that came out. I think I got them down here somewhere, but I had the controller right here because I can use it when I play the Sega collection.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking about getting the Mini 2. But the price just skyrocketed. You got to hurry up and get one, because that's the one with the six buttons on. Yeah, but my cousin his name is DJ Coney and I was in between here and Philadelphia, so during the school year I'd be here in St Louis, but every year since I was a baby until I was 13 years old, my uncle passed. That's where I got my name, aj from. His name is AJ, but I was named after him. I would be with my cousin, dj Tony, if he wasn't working and if my uncle they went out he would go and I would go with him when he did certain gigs and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So that's where the DJ came from. That's also where the video games came from, because he had his Sega Genesis hooked up to a big TV About a 32 to a 48 inch TV.

Speaker 1:

He had they had TVs all over the house.

Speaker 2:

I would be playing Scythe, the Hedgehog or Tecmo Bowl or whatever with him, my cousin Guy, my cousin John, like all of my cousins up there, and I was the youngest, so that's what started it. And then my, my uncle. He would record everything. So, like my retro life, he didn't spend the money he had. They had money, but he didn't spend like 10 grand on the like my, I would not let him buy that camera Cause if he had bought that camera, I would have been the black, my retro life.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I'm part of the, the, my retro life defense force. Yeah, his content, anyway, shout out to him. But anyway, he would record us just doing everything, so that like they would go on trips He'd have a camera, he'd be around the house. So that's what started the whole and it subconsciously because I'm like and then from there I had like the uh, the tech-o TV, like TV camera that you hook up to the, and so you get, like, you get core to a tape and you would see on your TV.

Speaker 2:

Your TV would be your monitor. So, I would record, try to record myself. I would switch the camera over and try it and it would have those scan lines up. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So from there it was like we would freestyle, we would do funny stuff like that, and then it was like, all right, one of funny stuff like that. And then it was like, all right, one of these days, you know, I'm gonna be able to do this. And we were doing, we were listening and doing music too okay, so I was horrible. You know I'm saying up until about middle school, and that was when, you know, I had freestyled over this beat called uh, called make love by dad pump okay, it was the only what was on the.

Speaker 2:

What was this? It had this little 808 in there and you just hear that in the back and I was over here trying to mack on this chick yeah but it was horrible. I was cussing, I had cds made my boy like so my boy rim ride, who's like a big photographer in St Louis and he had me on one of his commercials that went super viral for this place called Sandwich.

Speaker 2:

It's a spot on steroids here in St Louis. So, anyway, shout out to them, shout out to Rimrod, shout out to them. He got wind of it and his boy, patrick, like man, I don't know, he's like no, I think you got something, because this is before Busta Rhymes. Did you touch it? This is for a weekend and I'm mad they retired Right this is before day because I was like I was in love with Interstellar 555. And then when?

Speaker 2:

Human After All came out. I was there, you know when that happened. So this is all leading up to the original version of Hit Me Up. So, I was on new grounds, right, oh yeah, and I was trying to rap because, again, nelly came out. Yeah. Video games didn't even come back into my mind until a little bit later, after this. Wow.

Speaker 2:

All right, hit Me. Up comes and I'm rapping. This time I'm a little bit more confident and I've been writing and this time I'm a little bit more confident. Yeah, and I've been writing and I just heard I was just like I'm going to put a song together. Yeah, and basically I was telling everybody, hit me up back. Then it was you know, hit me up on like on MySpace on Bebo, like Bebo was popping back then I know you were a few years older than me yeah so we were on Bebo, a lot of older people on MySpace and Facebook, yeah that's what it was that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Bebo was like where, like Soulja Boy, uh, different rappers were like popping off with the crank. That era, the snap era that's where all the younger people. They were on all of them. But I remember soldier boy always having the cool layout, so I had a right layout and I had all the cool layouts on so it was it.

Speaker 2:

That's where it started. And then you know, once I put, hit me up out and reality kind of city. I had end up Nice Performing in my high school. I was probably the only secular artist that performed. I went to a Lutheran high school. Oh wow, and they let you do it. Yeah Well, the whole, the principal, yep, the vice principal, mm-hmm, everybody in the front office had to hear it and they liked it Okay that's dope so my, my coach, who was also over the the, the spring dance he was.

Speaker 2:

He got in charge of it. He was like you can do it, so I did it. And then reality hit. Because I'm a senior now you know what I'm saying so it's like. That was where I saw that people that look like us it was. It was hip hop gamer. It was gamertag radio.

Speaker 2:

Even we had the video game show here in St Louis. They were. I didn't know that. Yeah, they were. They were always on the top 10 podcast Cause they weren't that many back then you had one up. You had um game spot game spot. You had uh games radar yeah and you had, you had the video game show and they were always in the top 10 and they had, like they were I forget what they were on xbox website, but anyway, that was when the content bug hit me, because I was always on game trailers.

Speaker 2:

I was always on ign, I was always on one up I was watching g4 and everything else like this. So I was like, okay, I don't have a big setup, but I got a computer, I can do a review. Yeah, I can get some screenshots, I can put it together. And so I was a part of this website called well. Actually, before that I had my youtube one, so I was doing vlogs, I was doing, you know, I was dropping songs still, yeah. And so at the same time, like, all right, I'm gonna get on these webs, I'm gonna get on these webs. So I was on real type gamer.

Speaker 2:

You know, shout out to uh adria taco man 5000. And then was like it was like a little undercurrent of tension because I was with the guys at the coalition and then also I was doing like there. They had the epic network which was like a sister site that did just nothing but music.

Speaker 2:

So we're doing that. And then I was also with Torrence Davis, but he did STFU will play. So Torrence was the person who discovered hip hop, gave hip hop a platform. They was doing the video game war zone yeah, hip hop blew. I was there around the time hip hop blew up, yeah. So now hip hop is like he's doing all types of crazy stuff. He's interviewing Denzel. He's at E3s, at Summer Games Fest of crazy stuff. He's interviewing Denzel. He's at.

Speaker 2:

E3s at Summer Games Fest. He's here, he's there. He just did one with Anthony Mackie. That's dope His brother who plays Falcon. So yeah, he's got a show on the Hot 97. Shout out L Streets. Man. That's my Jadal family. She just did a battle up there and they played her song Dipset, which is in NBA 2K25. Is it?

Speaker 2:

25? Yeah, it's 25. I think I got it sitting right here. I got it sitting right here. We got Jason Tatum on the cover. You know, what I'm saying, so you know the point. So all of that happened, right, we got to rewind a little bit. So at the time it was a guy. I'm not gonna mention his name, that was all. I kind of fell out with the epic network guys because, gotcha, there was a young lady who was who had.

Speaker 2:

This is right after the whole chris brown, rihanna thing but, before karuchi right okay so that didn't work out and the guy not one of the guys that the guys had basically was like oh, we don't want to do that. All right, Left left. I'm like you know, my writing went up the bar, Didn't clear that interview with them. So I'm thinking like you know she's going to keep it real, but it's just like it's not necessarily exposing him. It's just like she wants to come forward because she wants to tell her story.

Speaker 2:

And it was right for like, and I'm not thinking, you know, I'm saying the hindsight 2020. You're not thinking in the moment. Like she's finna, go on her and just ask this dude it's like no, I'm thinking to myself like she had a bunch of songs and stuff like she had a strip with Kevin McCall and stuff like she's not even on internet, no more.

Speaker 1:

So I'm telling you that's why I'm telling you this stuff she got married and she deleted all her socials. Yeah, she's like I'm done with that so, but it was at the time.

Speaker 2:

It was just like he was posting her too but, it was like you know, she got like a YouTube take down. So I'm like come on, chris, that ain't like I'm right, like I was one of the people. That was like all right, what he did was messed up.

Speaker 2:

So now we got this girl here who's dropping the music through right and she helping you get it popping, and I'm like we gotta, let's put her story out. All right, let's blast him because I'm gonna offer some pushback. So this is is how Kills on interview. And then, right after that happened, hip Hop and I did my first interview and it was called. I Heard Him Say and I'm going to put it back online one of these days. So all of this is going on just back to back to back Meanwhile. I'm in school. You know I'm about to graduate with I'm.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to graduate, um, my associates. Uh, I'm about to work my first real job, but I'm I'm on YouTube still, but I'm not taking it serious. So after I get over with Torrance it's some guys over there, we fall out, me and Torrance, we get back, cool, I go my separate ways I get real gamer news so I'm still doing youtube. I got a mixtape series called target practice mixtapes. I redropped the original version of him.

Speaker 2:

Uh, hit me up and I'm getting music from all the people at st louis and stuff like that. So then it's just like we're we're just moving, moving, moving, moving. So all this stuff is just happening. But right until I got on youtube, right, soundcloud came, they hit the band hammer, I had like 500 000 plays and I had mainstream music and I was mixing. I was actually mixing the song, I wasn't just uploading, I was, yeah, I was doing the whole dj drama, right.

Speaker 2:

So this is when I dropped. This is when I went from dj aj because I know this is your second question, but we still rolling because he gave me the normally I don't give the people, my guests, the questions. So I got kills on interviews going, I got target practice mixtapes going and then I dropped this freestyle because it was called Pony News Fast, right, okay. And at the time Hip Hop was getting ready to launch his website and he did it with Dead Space 2, right, okay. So I was on there rapping about, you know, I think, arturo Davis, swift, luther, like, I'm dropping all the names of the black journalists on here right that.

Speaker 2:

I'm working with. So I'm'm just like, I just say the ball, I'm freestyling it, yeah. So I said, you know, because I was, I had, I was starting to roll out credos but I'm like, eh, it's something, it's not, it don't have a ring to it. But when I was playing kills all three, it came out at the time I was so moved by the story I was like let's see that, let's do that, but let's switch it up yeah and kills on three.

Speaker 2:

Spoiler alert for a 15 year old game right right, the isa. They had pretty much got abandoned because they took out but sorry, who was like the czar of the hell games right okay I say representing everybody on earth.

Speaker 2:

So right, that was like. At that moment, I was like I was so moved by the story because they were like we're gonna finish this mission and that's when I came up with the name. So you kill the kill and kill zone is killing all the expectations, owning up to what you set out to do and of course Jones is my last name right, so I put it all together and it rhymes right, that's dope so we move. I know we moving kind of fast. No, we good I feel like.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Twista up here yeah, nah, if you good, I'm good, like I'm enthralled.

Speaker 2:

So so so I dropped the freestyle. Yeah, torrence picks me up, we we rocking for a few months. The fallout happens because the guy he had working. I'm back to doing youtube but at the same time the music that stops. I'm hitting the roadblock. Couldn't do the mixtapes, but I'm doing the videos of blogging about hip hop stuff. This is around the same time academics.

Speaker 2:

I actually started before academics. Right Stopped to do the gaming. Gotcha Came back because I'm like I can't put my music out without having the platform and I'm seeing hip hop. Do it, Hip hop got into. You see that Twisted Metal doll back there in the back. That's from david jaffe.

Speaker 2:

Hip-hop was doing that damn so I'm like I'm taking hip-hop's playbook and I'm like, all right, I'm gonna do this, yeah, and, and I'm looking at, you know, the soldier boys, the joke buttons different people get it make the platform, so I'm going. Then I end up dropping this video about Troy and Tagstone. Ok they had the infamous incident in New York, and so I thought that Troy if it came out at first that Troy will text on it got Troy locked up. He got locked up first.

Speaker 2:

OK, and it came back around, back around that you know it was actually the other way around. And then troy f put me on his album. I got blocked by text on there because I was just like, because I was mad because tax season was my favorite, one of my favorite, like he would be like be safe, though. He will always call people but love. And you know he got that. I don't know if he was from Harlem or from I forgot where he was from, but he just had that New York accent.

Speaker 2:

And he was brolic Like he went to prison. He came home, Charlemagne put him on. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, he got all the fly honeys, he started having a camera, so it's like, well, I get to see, you know. So some of them I follow to this day. So, yeah, the point is, people started liking my takes, but then I was, and then I started doing the interviews again, but I rebranded it kills, all interviews me and my boy breezy he was doing a beast and this podcast, okay. So you know we were doing that and it was all. This stuff is just popping off and I got you know celebrities and stuff like this, so that's so at the time when I was with torres, right before I left them, I went to pax. Well, no, no, no, that was that was after I went and I interviewed, uh, the wizards world, because that was the same company at that point who was doing packs so he sent me over to wizards World.

Speaker 2:

I get there, I get the camera. I had this little shaky handy cam. I did the interview with Jason David Frank. He was like I got five minutes, let's do it, so we do it. Everybody else was Hollywood. I take that back. Billy Dee wanted to do it but his handler didn't let him and he wasn't ready to ask a question. But he checked his handler and was like the young brother wants to talk to me, so let's give him a minute. The doors ain't even open.

Speaker 1:

I forgot, whatever it is.

Speaker 2:

So we sitting there talking and I asked him about life, about was he coming back for star wars? Because the force awakens, they came out, so we're just it's life is just happening it's just happening like in the midst of that. My op pass after my op pass, I move on from them, I go, I get reached out by a brother named john. I wrote on real gamer news okay, that point.

Speaker 2:

I start reviewing the games and stuff like that. Youtube is picking up. I'm working a gainfully employed job. Life is decent. I'm about to move into my own spot you know, finally, and you know, I reviewed what was it called. It was a golf game, it was. What was it? Golf club. And it was another golf game game that was on Xbox that we got. I reviewed alien isolation. Okay, I review, yeah, yeah. So this was all on real gamer news. So then, you know, something happened again, we part ways.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm the common denominator because I'm like I'm loyal to a fault. So it's like when I my loyalty gets tested, I'm like I'm going, but I'm not I'm gonna get there. So we keep going. Um, I go viral again for the whole bankroll fresh and in the incident with him, this gentleman gentleman named no Plug. Okay, it was so passionate because I had just seen him, or whatever. I was really liking his music. Yeah. And I found out that my nephew is Sean Ferrari. He produces for like Sexy Red Gucci. Mane.

Speaker 2:

Gunna, all these people right. So this is before he blew up.

Speaker 2:

He's down at Street Exec's studio, which is which is two chains and DJ technique studio in Atlanta. Okay, his son was being born. So three days before the incident he comes home, his son is born, but we find out later bankroll fresh passes away, right, yeah. So all the while, like all these different moments is happening, I'm getting 20 000, 50 000, before you have put me on the album, then this blows up, and then, and then, um, still doing youtube. But then I meet this guy named derris robbins. Okay, over my check global, and then I learn about the music industry. So I'm already hesitant because I'm like I'm seeing DJ academics getting pressed. Right.

Speaker 2:

I'm seeing all this stuff going on, so we start. He teaches me about marketing.

Speaker 1:

He runs a marketing firm.

Speaker 2:

He works with Boosie Nino Brown Money. Man all these different people in the industry, local businesses and stuff like that. Yeah, he's teaching me this. And then Steve Cardenas comes along Like he said yo, I've seen your interview with Jason David Frank. Yeah, I want to do an interview. I said, hold up, I don't know, I could do the interview. Yeah, but I got something better for you I bring, I hook him up with theirs. Yeah, he does the marketing and then he takes off. He had like 30,000 views 30,000 followers on Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he said like 250, something now. Nice, he went from like doing eight shows or whatever a year to like 20.

Speaker 2:

He went overseas one year. He met his wife, got married. Uh, he's got. He's got his own dojo. Now that's huge. He gets back on netflix for the 30th anniversary and it's just like so, this was all for me and derrick, but at the time, yeah, stuff started happening in the city, so it's just like I pissed some people off there. So it's like now I'm so, it's just like I piss some people off there, so it's like now I'm like, now it's not all. This didn't happen. This was 2000. And what? Now that I graduated from from high school, yeah, and now it's 2019.

Speaker 2:

I'm streaming but I'm not getting no views. My YouTube channel is is down in the doldrums or whatever. Yeah, and so the pandemic hits. I start streaming every day. Right. Youtube starts picking back up. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

And then the pandemic ends and I did a lot of interviews in between. There I had Ken Folk. He is shine on parlay from the franchise boys. You remember the white T song I had? Uh, who else did I have? Hey, if you're right, like I went on a run. Okay, but uh 52 Savage from from Dallas. He had this pressure he was on the breakfast club like three times they had. They gave him some tea for whatever.

Speaker 2:

They fixed his teeth and you know it was like he, you know he's an older guy, but he's rapping old school, new school and he's keeping up with everybody else, right. So, um, all of this stuff is, I want to say, 20, about 2022, back at work full time. It came from being at home and being, you know, back and forth, right, right, working from home, teleworking and being in the office. So that's when I decided to get on TikTok. I felt like I had got to it late. I wasn't expecting it to, just just for me to go viral. Right.

Speaker 2:

And that like over, and over and over and over again got on Twitter. That was the wrong thing. Fell out with some people over there, but I'm at this point I learned I'm like all right, everybody's not going to have the same type of integrity issue and everybody's and everybody is, like I want to say, territorial of what they're doing. So I've done all of this and I'm like in my family and even myself.

Speaker 2:

I'm like where's the money, where's the games? And all this stuff is gonna come. But it was like it. I had to realize that god was getting me ready for right now. Yes. From last year, so I'm right. Me and Breezy are all Skype OK.

Speaker 2:

Well no, we're on, we're on the phone actually, and I'm telling him. I'm like, oh my, my TikTok is going crazy. I think this year is going to be the year. So I was fearful, but I had faith that that was going to work out. But all of 2023, I had like 24 games Okay, microsoft Flight Simulator, castlevania. Oh, no, vampire Survivors, the old Castlevania DLC. Yeah, contra Operation, galaga, the Role Prince of Persia, and I could just go on and on, and on, and on and on, and it was just and this year just starting out, on and on and on and on, and it was just, and this year just starting out yeah.

Speaker 2:

I got like six games, so let me see it's like, let me you pull it up. It was just. It was just a whirlwind, so that was kind of like. That's the condensed version of the story.

Speaker 1:

I know I told you I was trying to keep it short, but I told you I was trying to keep it short, hey, but it was like event. You had a lot of stuff. I knew it. I told you I was like it's going to be. It's going to be chunky, cause you do a lot of stuff. So it was it.

Speaker 2:

It took it Cause at first. Uh, it was like I cause I know we'd mix both of the questions questions, the first two questions, yeah, and it's beautiful, it works. So it was just like I had to get focused and and we'll talk about that a little bit later with lessons learned and, in the vice, the advice, yeah, all that is happening because I had to get focused, because at the same time I'm trying to date yeah, I'm trying to buy a car I'm working long hours overtime and I'm still coming home doing two or three videos yeah um, I'm dealing with copyright strikes, oh man, in content id claims just because I

Speaker 2:

said a song, a name of a song, or I might have said that you know in the cadence of the song, so they're like we got to claim this video. Then I had to like it was just like crazy. So I'm dealing with all this fighting with labels, going through it with retail. Certain stuff was going on like yeah, like not not working retail but just dealing with certain purchases and stuff like that right can't talk about it. They may be signs of paperwork, but the point is dealing with all of that.

Speaker 2:

You know, um, dealing with the fallouts, dealing with all of that, and and I had to learn, trip, that the journey is just as important as the destination yes, because we can get off of here and then I go and blow up and and then you could be like see, he had him before he went hollywood, and then at I'll be 35 this year, okay, you know, um, after you know, losing my aunt, losing my, my uncle, my aunt another uncle uh, well, three uncles at this point, and then my grandmother and my godmother this past year.

Speaker 2:

It was just the the uh, the ride that I had. Like you know, I'm saying, oh, I forgot about the extra life. I cleared my extra life goal before I had even started the stream. So I was just like I'm what, how you know? You know, that's crazy. My dad, like tried to like spend a block on like that's a whole different story, but he tried I'm playing the demo for Tekken. Like I'm going to work late to play it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, like you know, Kazuya Jin and Heihachi and Kazuya yeah. So, I heard a phone ring Mm-hmm. And we have one of those like because I have my studio Well, I'm not going to say where I had, but I was at my mom's at this point. Yeah, so you know, bring the PlayStation over. I'm doing laundry, I'm hanging out eat breakfast. So I say, OK, I'm going to hook the game up, because the Tekken demo drops and I want to get some footage.

Speaker 2:

So I set everything up. I had everything ready. I'm setting it up, the phone rings. I look over and I'm like is that my? But she called it before because she's got like an old school answer machine. So it reads the name of the person Right.

Speaker 2:

So, I'm looking, I'm like whatever, I'm back you know, doing what I'm doing and I walk out and then it's like your father called All right, right. So I go out and look up in the sky and I'm like, huh, okay, god, all right. So all of this is just happening at the same time and it's just like I learned from the journey and how to manage it. And this is where we get. You know, and I forgot to even mention this A couple of years ago, l streets reached out to me to even mention this. A couple years ago, l streets reached out to me and that's why this is so important, because I helped her with a lot of the stuff that she had, but she had fostered a lot of great relationships and I had to, like I said, with me it was a lot of bridges burned right at the same. Some of it was my fault, some of it was their fault, but Some of it was their fault, but she learned how to foster that.

Speaker 2:

You know, working with Twista and Shana with GMG Yep, and she took a break. So we just happened to be on Call of Duty. I see her online like, hey, anybody? On.

Speaker 2:

Call of Duty. I added her and she started asking me about things, about getting into the game, and so that's where we get Jadal gaming. You know what I'm saying? So that's where we get that. And then she started building the clan. We ended up on number one on the leaderboard and called Vanguard okay, team deathmatch. Yeah, they reached out, like some of the people that she knew doing music you know, they were at 2k right you know. So now she has the song there and it's just like that's why I can say, just like I said with steve.

Speaker 2:

You know I had a hand in that and I tell my, I tell daris all the time, you know it might take a little like yo, we help save the power range because you know, if you know that story, they got holes back in the 90s like they got played and they could have. They could have got seriously injured or died. For some of the right souls that we enjoy being non-union actors, getting you know, getting the for real. So I look at, I look back at my life and I feel like you know and I tell my friends, be like, oh man, you got it made in the shade. I'm like I don't feel like I made, got it made in the shade yet because I hadn't got the you know the checks and stuff like that yet. But I had to take a deep breath and kind of look back like I don't even I don't. I look back but.

Speaker 2:

I don't turn all the way back. Yeah, so which is where we are today? So you know that's. That's my story. Sorry y'all that we took to took, but that was it in a nutshell, because I didn't want to. I wanted to skip over some stuff and I'm like, oh, I can't Cause.

Speaker 1:

When we get to this next part, I'm like I'm gonna expound upon it, so go ahead, sorry, like as you were talking like not only did you hit, the reason why I let people just go is because you hit all the points, like there's lessons learned in there, like you had to learn that, okay, when you're working with other people, there's a certain way you got to move. Like you talked about the journey which I tell everybody. I was like from point A to, let's say, you just starting off, you want to be a content creator that makes money. The journey between that is the fun part, like make it fun or it will be hell. Like that's on you. Like you could decide there's going to be a fun journey.

Speaker 1:

I'm learning, I'm meeting new people, I'm making new relationships. Or you can be like no, I'm dealing with copyright claims, I'm dealing with people trying to take myself down and I'm glad you mentioned that, because people don't talk about that stuff but that can be a stressor. So, with with all of that, where is your current head? Like, because I feel like I know, but, like you, let us know where where's your current mindset when it's going forward with the content.

Speaker 2:

So the mindset of it is the same mindset that I put into my content, as well as with my church, bethlehem Lutheran Church. That's in the heart of North St Louis, and it's in the heart of North St Louis. The mindset is to stay focused, stay consistent, stay faithful and just continue to improve on, because what happens is people get caught up. I mean, yeah, I put the, I put the views there, right, but it's not to like toot my own horn or whatever that gets the desk, gets the people clicking right. But I don't know if you notice, it's not about followers anymore. It's not about subscriptions anymore, it's about the content. It's not about if you're on playstation or xbox, it's about the games. Now, like it's about the games and I think that it's certain people that want to quantify you from a number and I mean to be fair, the uh, the events, the access and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they want to see if you got a big enough following, because they're trying to make money and they know you're trying to make money so they're going to give you access.

Speaker 2:

If you are already, that's just across the board. Whether you're artists, whether you're dj, with your content, whatever you're doing, you have to have that audience. But you don't have that audience overnight. And what I'll say is my mindset, like I said, is just being consistent and faithful and just having a thirst to improve. And then where I'm at now, I'm trying to drop five videos or more a day, excuse me, and I know that and I've done it because I I had the foresight because because my mom like funny story, my mom when I was 21, I had bought some prophylactics. I don't know if I can say the other word, yeah you're good In the house.

Speaker 2:

I brought some condoms in the house. Yeah, and my mom, you know how she says your whole name and tells you to come here, yep, and the room gets quiet and she just was like who are you throwing in the house? And I'm like dazed and confused. Who are you scrolling? Yeah, he's like, and she and she almost like elbowed my tv. I had a still head. I didn't. I didn't even have an hd tv.

Speaker 2:

Back you got the cr big one man the big I had to get the biggest joint that I could get yes I had the little rf connector. Yeah, that I found and I had to hook that joint up and hook it up Cause it didn't even have AV cable.

Speaker 1:

I had to hook that joint up and hook it up to the back.

Speaker 2:

I mean, my grandmother gave me the TV. I was so sad when I had to get it up.

Speaker 1:

that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

But at that point I realized that was another thing. Like I'm, like man, I went through this far and back then I was like I didn't even know if I could get one game. Now I have over 30 right with like two or three mid-tier games, a lot of games and one big game.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, okay, I'll take it microsoft flight simulator. Yeah, I will be thankful for that, exactly. Um, you know, and so that's my mindset is don't think you're gonna get in here and get rich quick, right, unless you and I'm gonna explain this to people you're not gonna be kaisa, not, you're not gonna be. Uh, I show speed. Those people, their parents saw the vision earl and they invested in the vision earl. They bought ads, they, they allowed them to stream, you know, granted, they had to probably take out, do their chores for a month in advance or whatever it was. You're not gonna be there if you don't have your families, you know, if you don't have any responsibility, the older you get, the harder it gets right. I don't have your families, you know, if you don't have any responsibility, the older you get, the harder it gets Right. I don't care if you got kids or you're not married, or you're married or whatever, it still gets harder because you get older. You got to protect your eyesight.

Speaker 2:

You got to get moving?

Speaker 3:

You can't just sit there all day. You got to get sleep.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I say it like. That's where my mindset is. Alexa, be quiet. You have to have a passion for leave that in you have to have a passion for it, because if you don't have a passion for it like I outgrew, honestly I would probably if I this actually is motivating me to get back in the kill zone. Okay, when you outgrow certain stuff, I outgrew the hip-hop kind. I'm missing out on so much money right now.

Speaker 2:

I could be talking about, such as what I think is. I'm different than academics. Yes, I'm not no street guy, but I am from the north side of St Louis, I'm 6'4", 300 pounds and I ain't no punk. So, my point is I don't want to have to go. I don't want to have to go. This is L Streets, right here.

Speaker 1:

What's up? L that's crazy. What's up?

Speaker 2:

so yeah, but uh, so yeah, man, if you have to have a real passion for this and you can't you have to have tunnel view yes because if I sat there, if I was a hater I'd be looking at.

Speaker 2:

I'd be looking at this like man. Why can't it be me if I was looking at hip-hop, man, hip-hop, why can't hip-hop just pull me up and just put me on, like I had to tell my product is he's like man. I see you on this. And the third put me on. I say, bro, you got to start working you have exactly making content and he gets caught because he's a pretty boy.

Speaker 2:

He can just sit back, take pictures all day, look cool and just just do this all right, he got to play the game just like uh like pokey man, you just sit there and just be like shout out to her though because she did be playing the game, but they just like to see her sit like this and look cute all day long. So you know it's funny, but yeah, like that's. That's that's what my mind state is just being and spending time with your family. I say that Don't put nothing over God, your family. Put God first. I know it sounds like this, but put God first and everything that you do. He ain't lying, and if you don't know him, get to know him.

Speaker 2:

I'm not trying to be religious on here, but I'm just going to tell you it's a lot of times that I messed up, that I thought I was down and out. He opened up another door. You know I'm saying and another door, and another door, and another door. Or when I, you know, made foolish decisions or chasing some girl or whatever, and I've seen other people fall into these pitfalls. They get kids, they get burnt. This day the third happens, right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, life crumbled yeah I was spared from that. So now, especially in the times we in, now, every day is a gift. So you got to enjoy these things and take care of these things, because they say and says in the Bible if I'm gonna put you over a little bit before I put you over a lot, so if you can't handle the indie game and getting the indie game out there on time, if you can't handle interviewing the indie artist or the small creator, you don't deserve to do the holler hip-hop gamer or kinda funny or whatever, because you're not gonna, you're not gonna, you're gonna're not going, you won't, you won't have a chip on your shoulder, right, yeah, this is me.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to pop my collar, you know. You know you can't tell me nothing. You know so so. So then you get the, then you, you know, you, you become a individual. And then you, you get lazy. So I stay humble through the whole thing. You know, I'm saying I try not to get full of myself. Even when I'm in tour with folks like I can't bring myself, I will say some penny, I had to delete it. Or I would just bite my tongue if I'm in because I'm like I don't have to put grip down to make myself feel big.

Speaker 2:

Even though people have went out of their way to try to trash my name, it's still without in me, especially to another black man, to a black man. That's where my mindset is. That's dope.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome to hear and I was telling my wife this earlier it's awesome to hear other people say things that have been in my brain, because you mentioned something about the game keys. I remember when I first started on twitch there's a there's probably more sites now, but there were a few sites you can jump on, put your little info in and get some free keys and they weren't like, they were indie games and I was like I don't care, I'm playing this, like I got a free key and I'm gonna pay for it and I get to make content out of this. This is dope and eventually ea come through. Hey, do you want to play apex on stream? Like yes, yes, I do. And that's how those relationships get built is once they see you can do it small league then they're like all right, they got a little following, they've been consistent. Let's see what they can do with this, and not enough people know that or understand that. So I appreciate you saying that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, because it, because you, everybody wants to get the keys to the kingdom and you ain't even, you haven't even swept the stairs.

Speaker 2:

Like you haven't even you ain't swept the stairs, you ain't you know. That's why I always like Zelda. I never finished Zelda. But I realized that in Zelda, especially these last couple, you start with absolutely nothing, exactly Like the other. Zeldas held your hand Like no, you're in the wild. The castle is right there. You can run up there and try to beat Ganondorf with that stick, get knocked out and yeah Now, unless you dedicated to prove yourself, because there's some people who crazy enough, they have done it Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Done it. Yeah, they scaled that wall, jumped in there, that's true, you know, found a little master sword off to the side. They put it in there just so you could find it If you make it through through.

Speaker 1:

I think the first couple waves of him damn, then you get it towards the end, but it's like you. The journey is more.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's what I learned from both of those games like the journey. Was that fun? Yeah, it's same thing with dark souls.

Speaker 1:

I yes, I have yet to get I haven't even got that far.

Speaker 2:

I think the farthest I got. I'm in demon souls. I'm at the little the gate oh, I love those games and it's like those games teach you the process, patience. Yep, I love. That's why I love vampire survivors, because this I'm already knowing I'm gonna be here for 30 minutes. Yes, with this little sword exactly one around and around.

Speaker 1:

I like belatro, belatro yes, belatro is so, so good.

Speaker 2:

Every night I play that joint, and now you know what it's funny I used to laugh at my mom with that little, that little that didn't look. Double a battery powered solitaires and now we have became now we got. Yes, my god, I can't believe you so. So, yeah, I mean that's my thought process. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That's where my mind is at Getting close to the guy Spending as much time with my mom. It's really just being her, because my siblings are out of town. My niece, is here in St Louis yeah, but you know what I'm saying Just spending time because my family is spread out and before I settle down and hopefully I can do it before 40, because I'm not trying to be 45 and trying to be a dad and they got to bring me in a wheelchair.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. I'm like Professor X said my son's great and I don't want to pass. And it's like dang, I want to be here for when? My son like goes into his 20s because my uncle passed when I was 13. I'm like damn if I had him. A lot of these things that I dealt with yeah you know I'm saying I would have been, I would have moved through it more gracefully and probably sped things up right I would have been more consistent.

Speaker 2:

I probably would have been more because I was more adept to him than maybe even my cousin, my cousin. I didn't want to let him down. You know what I'm saying. That makes sense. He stepped in when my dad wasn't around or my stepdad wasn't around, so it was just like I know that he'd be proud of me, of the man that I've become. So I just I move like that. I move like is this going to reflect good on the people that love me and the people that follow me?

Speaker 1:

So that's where I'm at with it. I like that. All right, killzone, we're going to switch things up a bit. I'm going to jump into words of advice, because you've seen a lot of things over your career as a content creator that most people haven't, and you've already dropped so many gems already like I appreciate it. But if you had to give a piece of advice to and I'm gonna do this, usually I let you decide. But specifically to somebody who's been doing it, who has a youtube channel maybe it's starting to waver a little bit who has a tiktok, who's been streaming on Twitch, what would your advice be to that person? If you're not having fun?

Speaker 2:

stop. If you're doing this to pay the bills, stop. If you might be in debt. Go Uber, go ride share, go side hustle, get that second job, handle your business. You know, don't, don't, don't, don't. Unalive yourself right trying to get that, because that money it'll be here today and all tomorrow. You might clear the board and then something happens and now you waste it off from trying to balance it out. But put us just as much time. I look at it like um, I call it the the ninja turtle method, or the mikey method when he cut up the pizzas and stuff like that the eight slices.

Speaker 2:

So you gotta look at your, your life as a piece. This is a piece of pie, right? Yeah, you have justice. Well, you got eight pieces of pizza, right, so you should have four different groups of four. Let me see, yeah, four different groups because you got two slices. There's two slices for each group, right, okay, so you should have time for faith, family, fun and then work and then your work is split between the two slices.

Speaker 2:

So the work that you do to survive, that's one slice, but the work that you do to thrive, that's another slice. So that's why I said about doing the five video, I'm trying to get to 10, because I was listening. I listened to a lot of Gary Vee, a lot of PBD. I listen to a lot of. I listen to Ray Daniels, I listen to Shannon Sharp. I listen to a lot of interviews. You know I listen to a smart what's his name? Smart Christians. I listen to a lot of all these theology. I listen to a lot of different faith based things. I listen to a lot of content, a lot of all things. Theology. I listen to a lot of different faith based things. I listen to a lot of content things, a lot of gaming things, like I'm listening to more content about learning about different things and learning about the industry and learning about faith because that that's like your, that's like your crust.

Speaker 2:

You learn along the way, you get down to the crust. That's, that's the end of it. But really that's like your crust. You learn along the way, you get down to that crust. That's the end of it. But really that's where we, that's where pizza and everything rises up. I know this is great.

Speaker 1:

No, this is great.

Speaker 2:

I love this, but it's like you remember that episode where he, like, breaks down the pizza, or that part of the movie where he breaks down the pizza? That's how I look at life. So part of the movie breaks down the people that's how I look at life. So you got the crust, you got the cheese, you got the yes. So you got to look at all of that. Stuff is all in layers, right?

Speaker 2:

so the crust is the information that you learn, so I had to learn. Okay, go spend time with your mom, watch it will of fortune, even though you can't order it, or that hallmark movie or that cop drama, yeah, and. And you know what I'm saying. Like go spend that time because you never know when your family members or whatever are going to pay. If your friend pops up, make a plan to go see their friend or call their friend. Do that.

Speaker 2:

For sure as soon as they come, because that's God's alarm clock for you to go. Do that thing, don't put that off, right, right, or even just the the things for yourself. Take those vitamins. Read the bible, whatever it is, take that walk. Yes, if you feel something that's usually your body is letting you know, hey, that's, that's god's way to let you know. Hey, you need to eat some vegetables today. Maybe have one scoop of ice cream and one piece of slice.

Speaker 1:

You can't do the three you used to do no more, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

You can dress it up and put the toppers and everything on it, but make sure you got two liters of water to go right behind that thing Exactly.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I'm saying like. That's the key. It's not about, okay, do this, do this, do this, do this, do this. It's you, I love it. Like, after we get finished here, I'm about to go play avow. I've been playing the last couple like and I'm gonna make sure, okay, it doesn't have, you don't have to stream, like how you want to stream for eight hours and you got kids or a husband in the white. You may only constrain two hours. You might have to take a nap as soon as you. You might have to go to work early, get off early, take a nap, get up, hang with the kids, get them out the way, have some alone time with your wife. And now you got two, three hours that you gotta stream right, you.

Speaker 1:

Just that was my like five years ago. That was my life. I was working full-time in it. I get off at five, get home at six. From six to about seven it was dinner time, hang out with the girls, and then from like I think it was like eight, 30 to about 10, it was me and wifey time. Then from 10 until like one or two in the morning, I'm streaming or cutting a video or something content related. That's what I had to do. Was it awesome? Like it was. It was stressful when I wasn't looking what I was doing. When I was realized what I was doing, I was making time for everybody and myself. Then I was like all right, I could do this. This is, this is what we need to do right now. This is what I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

But yeah you got to figure it out.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so. That's. That's the worst advice for the person that's been doing like. I love what. I. What I'll say is you have to make sure, especially if you I I'm gonna throw this in there for the single people don't don't be too invested, that you don't go live right, especially if you're in your right you need to go live, especially now.

Speaker 2:

You could do an irl content a lot of the content that goes viral for me is when I'm at the store on a fluke nice, the me saying that they locked the pokemon. Because I told her everybody laughed at me about the pokemon. You, I said once people realize how much money it is. It is going to be a gold rush, which is, yeah, great for them, because now they, they pretty much then took off the knocked off the secondary market somewhere. Okay, but you know, yugioh is still there because it hasn't happened yet for you. But with magic, especially now with pokemon, pokemon is just like it was when it came out in the 90s.

Speaker 2:

Really the games have kind of fell off that's why you got power, world and stuff like so much money, so as people. Still. It's been two weeks my phone has been because people have been seeing this and they're like oh my god, thank god I could finally get some pokemon cards that's hilarious yeah, and it's like it's going viral. And then I learned okay, you're gonna, you have to have a lust for knowledge yes you have to have.

Speaker 2:

you have to have a thirst and lust for knowledge, like okay, if I make a video, I can't spam it into a Facebook group or a Reddit group. I have to tailor it to ask a question and then that's how I get in. Then I also contribute. You're going to have to spend time on Twitter. Stay out of those spaces if you can.

Speaker 2:

I mean sometimes it's cool if you want to jump on there and say a couple of words and jump out of the spaces, if you can. I mean, sometimes it's cool if you want to jump on there.

Speaker 2:

I can't say a couple of words and jump out of there, but stay in the conversation, don't you know? Try to. Okay, this is my guy. You don't know this person, you don't know who he'd be, so learn how to network. Don't overshadow people where they're at or try to outshine people where they're at. Network, move and groove, stick and move, because what's going to happen, is it?

Speaker 2:

don't think just because you went to an event a few different times and you he, he, ha, ha, like be, you know you could collaborate with content creators, but that's kind of the like, unless you're doing something like this to where I didn't even know crip was watching, I didn't know that he was sponsored by ea until he just said that I didn't know these things. But it's natural. But if I'm trying to force something right, it's not gonna work.

Speaker 2:

Learn to make people, make friends with the people that are at these and they'll come. That small percentage of people. They'll come and they'll follow you right, but enjoy the moment while you're there, don't think oh, I need to pass out 15 different business cards I need to do, give something like I want to go to a couple of conventions, right, and I want to bring a separate suitcase, if I.

Speaker 2:

maybe, if it's southwest, yeah, making us pay for bags now again, but I want to pay for a whole separate suitcase with nothing but, merch and give it to the people that are there. I want to give it to the like. I'm giving y'all this a million dollars worth of game for free. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're going to spend extra money, but you're going to make something that people are going to actually use other than a t-shirt or a lanyard. They're going to throw it away. Use other than a t-shirt or a lanyard. They're going to throw it away. Give them a t-shirt. It's called. If you got money like that, give them a hoodie. You know, do the masterpiece, you know, hey, it's some people downtown, or homeless people. Give them your your merch and give them a pizza.

Speaker 2:

Give them, you know a toy bag and yeah, so it's like now people, you got people walking around with uploaded unfiltered and shows on shirts all down.

Speaker 1:

That's wild.

Speaker 2:

Then they got your social media on the back, Like you're going to have to go outside at some point because unless you're going to pull that, you're going to get a room and you're going to have I mean because the only where you're going to top tie now is if you have a baddie sitting on your left or right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you gotta have a studio with stuff happening in the background, like it's gonna be you want to do something to grab people's attention and yeah that's, but again that's hard to come, because then you gotta go bigger next time like you, gotta have three dudes exactly ladies up in there, five or six different girls and they gotta be, and then you got to make sure that they ain't too scantily clad, because you might get banned yeah, you know get

Speaker 2:

you so it's like, unless you're gonna, or unless you're gonna have like the full set, like kai he's gonna do the do the batman thing yeah, that is a dope, like I.

Speaker 1:

Like I told one of my homeboys I was like you could do that. Do it on a budget, because I watched this lady, this lady on TikTok, make gourmet food out of paper and she is like blowing the bug up Because it's creative as hell. It's different, like think outside the box. That's my advice is always think outside the box. Like stop trying to emulate what people are doing and do what you feel like is fun to you. But I appreciate you, thank you for coming through, taking a chance, doing this. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

Man. Look, it's an honor and a pleasure to come through man. I try to keep it as humble as I can because you know what I'm saying. You didn't have to do this and I appreciate you taking the time. I know we went double.

Speaker 1:

This is a double episode to do this and I appreciate you taking the time.

Speaker 2:

I know we went double, this is a double episode, but it's like they get because, because it's like I just appreciate that, I appreciate you reaching out, man, it lets me know that I'm I'm on the right track yes and that, uh, you know check email. That's one more thing I'll say yeah your email check your dm because you never know who it is now some some stuff is a scam, but when I, when the this brother hit me up and I have been following his page yeah I usually make sure that I go, and if I see somebody is, you know, following me, and I go and I'll, I'll go and I'll like, I'll follow them, I'll like them.

Speaker 2:

Like a bunch of posts yeah save it so that they will pop them in my algorithm. So when I see this brother, I'm gonna try to drop a like yo, I appreciate that you know don't and again, can't look and see what other people got going on. Be like exactly. You know I'm not gonna do, because that blocks your blessing right? You know what I'm saying exactly you.

Speaker 1:

So and I will say the the I'm not saying like reaching. When I first started this, of course, like the first maybe 20 episodes are all people I know, so it was real easy to get them on the podcast. But when it comes to reaching out to people you don't know, I had to tell myself. I was like I didn't look at your numbers, I didn't look at your followers, what I did. I saw that, like every content, piece of content that came up for you, I was like, oh, I'm like this is dope, I like this, I like this and like just hearing you talk and see where you're, like just through those shorts, I was like, all right, I feel like this dude would be a good fit for the podcast. And then you get on here and everything you said.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea about all this like at all, but it all aligns with what I've been saying for the last year. It all aligns with the mission and the thought behind the podcast. Oh, trust yourself when it comes to like reaching out to people. Or, if you feel like you got an idea, push it, because you never know where it'll come from. And again, this podcast to me is a testament to that because I had no idea and I appreciate all the knowledge you dropped here.

Speaker 2:

Man, it was dope, yeah man, hopefully it'll be a blessing to you, and then it'll be a blessing to everybody else that's tuning in man so you know, I appreciate you for your time, appreciate you for, uh, you know, give me a little minute to get home because, yeah, it's snow, exactly, yeah, man, because uh, I really appreciate it, man, and hopefully we can do it again sometime, oh, 100.

Speaker 1:

But before I let, before we even get there, we need to do a call to action. You have a few platforms that you could shout out, so I'm gonna give you the floor. Where can the people find your content?

Speaker 2:

everywhere at dj kills all drones right except yes twitch, twitch. They uh, they got me for grand theft auto 5 and they didn't tell nobody until like a day or two afterwards. So I actually had two twitch channels. I got two youtube channels. The main twitch channel is dj klz own j-o-n-e-s. That's like the alt, if also on different platforms. So if you can't find k-i-l-l-z-o-w-e-z. Like the old school kills yep klz own jones everywhere, so kills on the kill zone everywhere. And I gave CryptoLink, so y'all can go and follow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll be dropping those in the description of the podcast.

Speaker 2:

And then, of course, we got Beast to Beast Podcast. Right now we got a couple episodes on streaming, but I have to go through, and I've been. I'm probably just gonna let them rock, because I know we were going crazy on there. We're not too crazy on there being Breezy, but Breezy is a fool. Shout out to Breezy, that's my guy. He's been kind of with me through the whole journey, that's my guy.

Speaker 2:

And the funny thing is, just like me and my boy shout out to my boy out there in Chicago, the Vegas Club, Kid, that's his handle. You can find me on all socials and I'll say this make sure that and I'll be on. I'll be uh, well, I don't want to say where I'll be. I'm going to take it the next. I got a couple other platforms I got to jump on, but any social media type. In DJ Killzone Jones, we got uh, you know you can find me uh, jadal Gaming at Jadal Gaming on all socials with L Streets. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then Streets with a Z you know where else, If you want to purchase one of these shirts. Yeah, get them on Spring. I forgot to send it to you, but I'll send it to you. Yeah, yeah, and that's where I'm at All. Yeah, yeah, oh, and that's that's where I'm at all. The content will be there. So, whatever your favorite social media site is, yeah, I'm there, I'm there every day. You know I'm on like the tv, you know and that's how you had to be right so yeah.

Speaker 2:

So as far as content wise, I'm praying that I can get out there. Gonna be a lot of work, but I'm trying to get out to seattle this year nice, you know the planes and everything is cool because I'm trying to get out there yeah prayers to all the people that uh was in that uh crash in toronto all the crashes right, I think there's another one today, yeah, I mean so, yeah, we're trying to get out there, trying to get back to chicago okay going back trying to go to gallop.

Speaker 2:

It goes and go to, but my next thing is to go to different cities and go to different game stores. Yeah, kind of do like a game store okay seeing a couple people like uh shout out to mr right way he's been doing it, uh, a couple people, but I want to take it pretty much go all the way across the country and then you know japan the uk, different places like this.

Speaker 2:

So that's that's what's on the agenda is to go to events, like I said. You see a brother with a big suitcase coming, coming your way, then you know you got some merch, you know, uh, or a bag or something I'm gonna bring a suitcase, but I'm gonna bring a bag or something, a tote bag and just gonna have a t-shirt or some merch or something that you can have and you know, maybe we'll post up for a picture or something okay and um, that's, that's kind of what's on my agenda.

Speaker 2:

Lord, willing if I'm, if I'm able to do it, that's where I'm gonna take it and actually touching the people and doing live stream. We actually, uh, I gotta call l. Well, I don't know if I should say it or not. Uh, we did. I think I said it before, but we we're planning on doing a, a, a jeddah gaming, 24-hour stream in miami when gta 6 comes out.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't know how, how crazy, especially if they drop the multiplayer to say hopefully they do, because that'd be wild. Y'all can go on youtube. All my live streams are there. Yeah, like we're like I said we're like the gta 5 by the decline.

Speaker 1:

So I'm gonna check these out. Yeah, like I can't do the online play, like I can watch somebody else do it all day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah and I'm not a role-playing person people I know a lot of people like my nephew been wanting me to do role-playing forever, but I gotta beef up my setup and I just I don't like the grind that it takes like I had to start off like I'm like. This is even harder than dark souls. I gotta go to work every day and then yeah, or or then I gotta rob a bank or gotta go do this, and then if I get caught then it takes way too long if you're not like the server master, right, like you know, but that's where I'm at.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that's what I got planned for the year.

Speaker 1:

All right, dope well, I will have all of killzone's links in the description of this podcast and, if you haven't already, go ahead and subscribe to the podcast, uploaded and unfiltered. We are on every week on Tuesdays.

Speaker 1:

We have 85 episodes deep we haven't missed a week yet and I don't see no time stopping, so we're going to keep this thing moving, but other than that, yo appreciate y'all for listening. Thank you, I know this is a longer one, but whatever, get what knowledge you need out of it and share it with your friends and other content creators out there. Other than that, as always, protect your mental, keep creating content, and I will talk to you on the next one. Peace.